Pigmentation and Melasma - Dermamelan Depigmentation Peel

Powerful treatment package for melasma and to reduce pigmentation.

The Dermamelan is not just a peel, but a whole treatment system that comprises a professional in-clinic application, as well as a home maintenance component.

‍Melasma is a skin disorder that usually presents as a blotchy, brownish facial pigmentation. It is typically bilateral, meaning that it is mirrored on both sides of the face. Unlike sun damage, melasma is a lot deeper and appears as large patches rather than smaller spots and freckles. It tends to be more common in darker skin types(Fitzpatrick III - VI) and those who tan easily.

The most common patterns for melasma include:

*centrofacial (across the forehead, cheeks, nose and upper lip),

*Malar (across the cheeks and nose)

*Mandibular (the jawline and chin)‍

Is it the same as Cosmelan Peel?

‍Dermamelan is considered to be the Big Sister of the Cosmelan peel. It is 30% stronger than Cosmelan, and can only be used in medical clinics.‍


Reduce and help eliminate pigmentation, both of environmental and hormonal origin (sunspots, age spots, melasma etc), whilst also improving the luminosity of the skin and equalising skin tone.

Treatment guide

Your Dermamelan journey begins at the clinic, where your face is thoroughly prepped before the peel is applied. The peel itself is like a light brown coloured clay mask and will be left on your skin for anywhere between 8-12 hours (the length of development time will depend on your skin Fitzpatrick type, as well as the severity of the pigmentation to be treated).

For this reason, we usually schedule Dermamelan treatments earlier in the day.

Once you have reached the end of your development time, you will then remove the mask. The majority of people will experience some degree of redness and swelling the following day that usually settles in a couple of days. You will also begin to experience some peeling or shedding of the skin, which can range anywhere from a light flaking to a much heavier peeling. At this point, you will have also begun your homecare program, which continues the depigmentation treatment.‍

Pricing guide

Dermamelan Treatment package – $2100

- in-clinic peel application

- 2 to 3 Month Dermamelan home treatment skincare system

- Review appointments on day 3 and week 4 post-treatment

- x3 LED sessions to encourage healing and rejuvenation to the skin cells (low level laser therapy)

- A crystal fibre mask to help promote your skin recovery and response to the dermamelan


Dermamelan has been proven safe for ALL skin types‍

The downtime will vary between individuals. The majority of people will find the worst of the peeling and redness lasts around 5-7 days. Those people who have a stronger reaction may find their downtime lasts a little bit longer.‍

The peel is not painful at all when it is applied to the skin. Once it has been washed off, it is not uncommon to experience some heat in the skin, very similar to a mild sunburn that usually settles within a day or two.


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Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8
Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8
Award-winning InMode clinic Dr George Calfas: InMode Physician of the Year - Aesthetics | InMode Best Case Study - Morpheus8

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