Photodynamic Therapy Overview
The latest in targeted laser rejuvenation, Photodynamic Therapy has rapidly become one of the most effective treatments to treat a variety of skin concerns, from rosacea, fine lines and wrinkles, texture changes in the skin, sun-damaged skin, pigmentation, broken capillaries, acne and more.
Skin tone is greatly improved, PDT reduces blotchiness, and unsightly red blood vessels, it tightens pores, and improves the texture of the skin.
PDT removal of skin cancers, precancerous skin lesions, and sunspots (actinic keratoses) encourages a reduction in the future development of these. There is no other treatment available today that will do this as quickly, as efficiently, as safely, and with as good a cosmetic result as PDT.
Treats acne, even severe cystic acne can often be dramatically improved, avoiding the need for prolonged use of oral and other topical medications.
Used for treating damaged skin of the face or body.
It takes away years of sun damage in a couple of treatments.
Well tolerated.
Easily performed in an experienced practice setting.
Non-invasive – no needles or surgery involved
Has excellent cosmetic outcomes.
Skin cancers and ‘sunspots’ are usually reduced around 60% in one treatment, and around 90% after two treatments. PDT will also remove new skin cancers and sunspots that are still too early to detect, protecting the skin in the future.
A dramatic improvement in acne, often with results equivalent to the use of Roaccutane medication, but without the side effect. PDT may give long periods of remission (clearance) of acne of up to a year or two.
Reduces large pore size and oil glands, by up to 90% in three treatments.
Reduction of Rhinophyma - bulbous thickened nose, which is often reddened.
Treatment guide
It is the quickest and most comprehensive single treatment to improve sun-damaged skin (often only 1-2 treatments are required), acne (usually 2-4 treatments), and other skin conditions a course of 1-4 treatments will be determined depending on the condition. Treatments are ideally one month apart for best results.
The treatment is uncomfortable, like being snapped with elastics, but is usually easily managed with topical anaesthetic creams and ice if needed. Some patients will describe it as painful.
Following treatment, the areas may appear red, with some peeling for 2-7 days. Sometimes there may be temporary crusting or blistering as a normal part of the treatment. There may be some temporary discomfort for a few hours. Also, temporary swelling may occur around the eyes or lips but only for a couple of days. Darker pigmented spot may be temporarily darker and the peel off leaving a clearer skin. Recovery usually takes 1-7 days.
How is PDT different from standard laser and IPL (intense pulse light) therapies?
It is performed by applying a light sensitising agent called ALA (Aminolevulinic Acid) directly to the damaged skin area to be treated and left on for a short period of time before activating it with the laser or special light. ALA is selectively absorbed by abnormal or damaged cells, oils glands, and acne bacteria in the skin making these ultra-sensitive to the laser light. When the laser light is then applied to the area there is a reaction that selectively destroys and removes these, leaving behind the normal tissue and an improved and significantly enhanced skin appearance.
Other areas of the body, such as the neck, chest, arms, hands, and trunk that are normally difficult to treat safely with other treatments, can be safely and effectively treated with PDT.
Pricing guide
Consultation will determine pricing as it will depend on the concern(s), area(s), treatments required.
PDT for Acne: from $425 per treatment and is not covered by Medicare.
The treatment is considered very safe, and permanent side effects are very rare.
Who is suitable for PDT?
Anyone with irregular skin tone, unsightly blood vessels, and capillaries, blotchiness of the skin, rosacea, acne, excessive oiliness and large pores, skin cancers, and pre-cancerous ‘sunspots’.
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